Nearly a mom

After coming back from Rio in May, and after a few weeks of feeling under the weather, hubs suggested for me to take a pregnancy test. Surprise surprise!  We're 5 weeks pregnant! We were elated and excited, happy, over the moon, all emotions rolled into one!  We went our family GP for further tests and it was confirmed I was pregnant.  Syukran.... Syukran.......  I was still feeling very tired, I guess it's normal.  Especially I am not a young mom at 40yrs old. 

Being a total geek, I downloaded numerous apps on pregnancy in my android phone.  Read lots of online articles.  Started folic acid intake.  No pineapple, no carrying of heavy things.  I did everything right.  However, 2 weeks later, I started having spots.  We went back to the GP and apparently it's normal.  But we couldn't just sit still.  I decided to go for further tests.  What we discovered was, the sac inside was empty.  Only God knows how devastated I was upon hearing it but we know we needed to think positive.  Maybe this is a phase.  1 week later, at work, I started bleeding,  I knew this was it, the end of my pregnancy.  I was in pain, hubs drove me to the Gleneagles Hospital.  At the hospital I was bleeding profusely, oh my goodness it was so painful.  It's confirmed that I was going through miscarriage. The ER doctor in charge, Dr Liang attended to me, he was so nice and gentle but unfortunately there was nothing he could do.  He spoke to my gynae and all he could do was to make me as comfortable as possible. 

So, funny thing was, I was scheduled to meet with my gynae for the first time ever just a day after my miscarriage - Dr Suliza of Gleneagles, recommended  by my sis in law.  The next day, we went to see her.  It was so funny, Dr Liang described us as the happy couple.  I mean, how happy could we be, going through the miscarriage?  Haha!  Oh well, she did the scan and ultrasound, yup, it was confirmed I have gone through the miscarriage.  

Went home, rested and life was back to normal.  I'm not giving up, we'll try again.  InsyaAllah, we'll have the opportunity to be parents one day...  


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