My Latest Adventure
Boy oh boy........
I have been having this bad pain in my back (and not pain in the ass!) for the past 2 months, but i thought it's no big deal. On Tuesday morning on the 8th of November I panicked. I couldn't walk and felt as if I am being stabbed with a hundred knives at the back.
Thank God for a dear friend by the name of Raymond... He brought me to the hospital, and there I had the check up and MRI. For someone as hyper as me, it was quite an experience to be in the machine and not being able to move for half an hour....... :-)
It turned out that I have Multiple Slip Disk! I was then admitted and was put under observation for 2 days.
Surgery was on Friday... It was nerve wrecking as I had soooo many different opinions around me: "Do not go through the surgery!!!" "The risk is too high" "You may never walk again!!!"
The surgery was a relief... I was able to feel my leg again.
Ahh... what a bliss... I thank God I went through the surgery in time....