one of those things...

1. My ex is: this guy who spent many many years with me before giving up.
2. Maybe I should: really go exercise.
3. I love: swiss rolls.
4. I don’t understand: why I love to travel soooo much, sometimes.
5. I lose: my concentration almost all the time.
6. People say I’m: cute. That’s when they don’t know me well enough. But I AM cute.
7. Love is: something that loves playing hide and seek with us.
8. Somewhere, someone is: sitting on the beach who has no need to return to work.
9. I will always: be a worrier and a whiner and a procrastinator.
10. Forever is: really long.
11. I never want to: become a bore
12. When I wake up in the morning: I drop back to sleepzone immediately.
13. My past is: something that I survived (barely).
14. I get annoyed when: people walk too slowly in front of me.
15. Kisses are the best when: you know he’s going to be the last one in your life.
16. Tomorrow: will be another full day. Zzz.
17. I really want: a good body massage right now.


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